
Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Questions and Answers 58 - 63

Ukraine, Russia and Constantinople

Question 58: I see conflicting opinions and histories about the Ukraine Church situation, specifically if it is coming from a Russian side or from the Ecumenical Patriarchate. Both bring different historical arguments and it becomes confusing. I get worried when I hear that it could lead to a split in Orthodoxy. Wanted to know what the real history is? Is it something we should be concerned about?

Answer: I tend not to address jurisdictional issues, as I don't think it is an issue but for Bishops to address, since they are the only ones involved with the issue. The problem is that it confuses the faithful and even affects them in what I would call a minor way. The Orthodox Church does not have a defined well-rounded ecclesiology universally accepted, despite what many will tell you, which is why the Church has so many ecclesiological problems. Ecclesiology did not really begin to develope in the Orthodox Church until the 19th century, or some would say the 20th century. And with all the problems the various jurisdictions went through in the 20th century, it makes jurisdiction problems much more difficult to address and be universally accepted.

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